Poultryfarming is animal husbandry to breed domesticated
birds including chickens, ducks and geese to produce meat or eggs for food consumption. This term originated from the agricultural era. Most poultry constitutes chickens that are farmed in huge quantities. It is estimated that more than 60 billion chickens are killed globally for consumption in a year. Chickens that are raised for eggs are called layers, and chickens raised for meat are called broilers.
Poultry producers use FDA-approved medications, such as antibiotics, in feed or drinking water to treat disease or prevent disease outbreaks. Some medications are approved for improved feed utilization. In Kerala, poultry is one of the growing trends in business. The expansion of restaurants and hotels with chicken and duck recipes increased the demand altogether. No doubt this business will rise in upcoming years. So, if you are planning to launch a poultry farm, then you consult JNJ experts.
We are a global expert management solution provider for all business enterprises. We have done deep study and insight to this business. We have a feasibility analysis report to acknowledge the positive outcome of business in the future. We can help you in offering the best solutions.