Logistics refers to the process of managing the acquisitions of resources, how it is stored, and transported to the final destination. This whole term is referred to in the business sector, especially by the companies involved in the manufacturing business. It also refers to how resources are managed and go along the supply chain business. ……. READ MORE

Car rental service are a choice that has been utilized by travellers in this century. Low cost travels enable us to move to any city at a reasonable cost. Nowadays more people focused on starting rental service as a side business. The rental services allows people to rent car for long and short journey. This……. READ MORE

Agro based business are the enterprise, industry and system focuses on value chains in agriculture. One of the main goals of agribusiness is to improve profit while satisfying the needs of consumers for products related to natural resources, farms, fibre, forestry and fuel and non-renewable resources like mining. It is a combination of the words “agriculture” and……. READ MORE

E-commerce (electronic commerce) is the concept of buying and selling products electronically on online services or through the Internet. Ecommerce includes different mediums like mobile commerce, supply chain management, electronic transfer of funds, Internet marketing, online transactions, inventory management online transactions, automated data collection and many more. The e-commerce business is a broad concept, and……. READ MORE

Photography is the art of capturing the images of objects, people or animals in a camera. Sometimes photographs open the studio out of passion. They exhibit the photographs to showcase their talents. Some photographers do this as part of the business. The studio is an artistic workspace to showcase the images. There is necessary adjustments……. READ MORE

Medical shops are also known as pharmacies, drugstores or chemists. It is a retail shop that offers prescribed drugs or medicines. At the medical shop, the pharmacist looks after the fulfilment of prescriptions and over-the-counter drugs. He will also look after the health and wellness issues of the customers. During this Covid-19 situation, the demand……. READ MORE

Poultryfarming is animal husbandry to breed domesticated birds including chickens, ducks and geese to produce meat or eggs for food consumption. This term originated from the agricultural era. Most poultry constitutes chickens that are farmed in huge quantities. It is estimated that more than 60 billion chickens are killed globally for consumption in a year. Chickens……. READ MORE

A designer boutique is a small shop that works in a discrete nature of merchandise, more often than not a precise clothing style. A boutique typically offers various sorts of related products, such as ladies apparel, handbags, clutches, accessories and shoes. Form designer boutique offers a particular type of clothing and accessories to ladies who……. READ MORE

The growing awareness of self-care and self-grooming urged the rise of a beauty parlor in Kerala. Beauty parlor offers varieties of services to improve your personal beauty. It can help you explore your inner self and individual care, including haircut, body rubs, manicure and facials. Usually, a beauty parlor focuses on a specific treatment or……. READ MORE